PiHole not working on iOS anymore?

There’s a trick inside your network. If you are using PiHole in your wireless network and it’s not blocking Ads on iPhone anymore do as follows. Go to I had to remove a public IPv6 address because my providers serves IPv6, but my internal network as well as PiHole are running on IPv4. And it …

Adding Watermark and Temp to the Image using macgick

The probably most tricky part of preparing the Image for the Website.For documentation purposes. The workaround to name the file TEMP.bakjpg is due to the deletion of remaining *.jpg files in the directory in the last step of the script. rm *.jpg Therefore i am renaming the image capt*.jpg to TEMP.bakjpg to prevent the current …

Apple Siri became the worst voice-assistant so far

Can you still remember when Apple introduced Siri. That was a milestone. You had the feeling you could talk to your devices in the future, like Jean Luc Picard and his followers on board the Enterprise. nn 2023 has arrived and it is fair to say that Apple has managed to make Siri even dumber …

EOS 1000D Shutter Count

Using gphoto2 the commandline tool allows me to read the shutter count of the weathercam. gphoto2 can be easily installed on linux based systems as well as on macOS using brew. On macOS you have to install brew first to then install gphoto2 using brew install gphoto2 Connect your Canon EOS 1000D using your mini-USB …

New Project: Horrorskop.at

Last week I’ve launched a website called Horrorskop.at nn Technically it’s nothing special just a simple WordPress Page including a randomizer for its content. nn The interesting thing is, they are horoscopes, but they are anything but encouraging and joyful. Therefore it’s named horrorscope. nn 90% of the content was generatedwith chatGPT and the cover …

weathercamPi Up2date 03.2023

Since I have announced that I will continue to operate the weather camera actively, instead of simply waiting for the hardware to fail, an update is due in the next few days. I have to thank a supporter supporting me to buy some replacement hardware. nn If the installed EOS 1000D stops working, I now …